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LS7540, LS7540-S

LS7540 LS7540-S

AGC Touch Control Light Switch with Soft-Off (8 Pins)

Touch Sensitivity is independent of Touch Plate Size and Line-Plug Polarity

If Off a 'Touch' produces Max Intensity (On) instantaneously

If On a 'Touch' initiates intensity ramp-down (Soft-Off) Max intensity to Off ramp-down time is programmable by an external RC The Soft-Off feature provides light for the User to exit the room Ramp-down time = 0 if no RC is connected

Application of a 'Touch' during ramp-down causes the ramp-down to stop Once stopped a 'Touch' causes the ramp-down to Off to resume Stopping and starting the ramp-down can be repeated as often as desired thus giving the User full control in setting the light intensity

Pushbutton control can be used instead of 'Touch'

Applications include Wall Switches and Touch Control modules for small table lamps to large floor lamps


LS7540 _PDF.pdf


电话:0755-2640 8281